Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gender Pay GAP in the UK 2015

Some new data and figures from the Office for National Statistics out of the UK show that "The gender pay gap has changed "relatively little" over the past four years moving from 9.4% to 9.4% on average.   On the bright side, parliament will be looking at legislation that will require companies that employ more than 250 people to publish their pay details by gender. 

There are tons of data to pick thru and I picked weekly full time pay by percentile to compare gender pay in the UK.

It shows that at every percentile of pay males earn more than females.  Bottom earners...  males make more.  Top earners - males make more.   It's not all bad news, on the positive side it looks like the pay gap has been closed on part-time jobs and less than the average for certain age groups.  Completely closing the gender pay gap and achieving gender pay parity is a moral, ethical and legal problem that deserves more attention than it currently receives. 

Data from 
Office for National Statistics, UK

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