Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gender Pay GAP in the UK 2015

Some new data and figures from the Office for National Statistics out of the UK show that "The gender pay gap has changed "relatively little" over the past four years moving from 9.4% to 9.4% on average.   On the bright side, parliament will be looking at legislation that will require companies that employ more than 250 people to publish their pay details by gender. 

There are tons of data to pick thru and I picked weekly full time pay by percentile to compare gender pay in the UK.

It shows that at every percentile of pay males earn more than females.  Bottom earners...  males make more.  Top earners - males make more.   It's not all bad news, on the positive side it looks like the pay gap has been closed on part-time jobs and less than the average for certain age groups.  Completely closing the gender pay gap and achieving gender pay parity is a moral, ethical and legal problem that deserves more attention than it currently receives. 

Data from 
Office for National Statistics, UK

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sales Comp(lications) #8

 Are your sales representatives spending valuable selling time Shadow Accounting?  Here is a link to some ideas to minimize this common practice that often prevents good reps from being great.

5 ways to decrease Shadow Accounting

Sales Comp(lications) #6

Many years ago, I was in a conversation with a sales compensation administrator and they mentioned that in over 10 years they had never received a call to thank them for paying commissions and bonuses correctly.   Hopefully in the modern era of Sales Performance Management where automated systems can address accuracy and provide near real time reporting to the field this paradigm has changed for the sales comp admin.   Our hero above is still stuck in Excel world and can expect little appreciation for his hard work.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Formulas Sales Comp(lications) Episode #4

The Sales Compensation Bill of Rights


Amendment I
The sales compensation plan will be simple to understand and in alignment with corporate strategy.
Amendment II
The sales compensation plan will be relevant to my job role with plan measures that I can control.  The plan should also have no more than 3 measures to keep me focused on what is important for the company.  
Amendment III
The individual sales representative shall have a quota that is fair and attainable given their territory opportunity. 
Amendment IV
Sales Leadership will communicate the compensation plan(s), quotas and territories at or before the sales kick-off meeting.  The plan, quotas and territories being well communicated and understood by the sales force shall be accepted in a timely manner and thus eligible for sales compensation. 
Amendment V
On a real-time or daily basis the individual members of the sales force shall know where they stand relative to quota or goal, stacked ranked against their peers, the business transaction that they will be paid on, and the estimated amount of payment that will be made.  This critical information shall be made available on a wide variety of devices to allow the representative to access it anytime, anywhere.  
Amendment VI
Compensation payments shall be communicated real time or no later than next day.  Payments will be made in a timely manner no more than 3 weeks after the close of the period.
Amendment VII
Sales Compensation Accuracy, being necessary to the morale of the sales force, shall be targeted at 100%.  Commissions, bonuses and other payments will be 100% correct every time. 
Amendment VIII
Sales representatives shall have an easy way to submit inquiries and dispute incorrect payments & credits and receive timely resolution to such inquires and disputes.
Amendment IX
The sales representative at any given time will have the ability to know how much they will be paid on any opportunity or set of opportunities in their pipeline. 
Amendment X
The sales representatives that exceed quota or goal shall reap the fruits of their labor in the form of bonuses and uncapped, unlimited earnings potential.